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“Fair” Elections Act Charter Challenge

In December 2018, the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Federation of Students celebrated the passing of Bill C-76 in the Senate.

Bill C-76 was a big win for democracy. It repeals the main undemocratic elements of the Unfair Elections Act, which we had organized with others to challenge politically and fight in the courts. The changes to the Act include:

– Restoring the Voter Information Card as valid ID for voting;
– Restoring vouching as an accepted process enabling people to confirm their identity and residence so they can vote;
– Restoring the independence of the Commissioner of Canada Elections by moving it back to the office of the Chief Electoral Officer; and
– Ending the restrictions on Elections Canada engaging in public education on voting.

Below are some of our analysis pieces and updates from that campaign.

Passage of Bill C-76 a game-changing win for voters’ rights

Passage of Bill C-76 a game-changing win for voters’ rights

The Council of Canadians and Canadian Federation of Students are celebrating Bill C-76 passing in the Senate as a win ...
A game-changing win for voters’ rights

A game-changing win for voters’ rights

December 11, 2018Today you and I have huge reason to celebrate! After four long years of fighting in the courts ...
Update: We're going to court

Update: We’re going to court

I have just returned from Parliament Hill, where I was asked to appear as a witness. Parliamentary committee members reviewing ...
Why are Liberals Defending the (Un)Fair Elections Act?

Why are Liberals Defending the (Un)Fair Elections Act?

While the Liberal party prepares for the next federal election, government lawyers are working hard to defend the voter suppression ...
Opposition MPs, Globe and Mail editorial board call on Trudeau to take action on Bill C-33

Opposition MPs, Globe and Mail editorial board call on Trudeau to take action on Bill C-33

Over the last five days, The Council of Canadians push for movement on Bill C-33, an Act to amend the ...
I just came from Parliament Hill...

I just came from Parliament Hill…

I have just come back from a press conference on Parliament Hill and I am outraged. I was there ...
Trudeau breaking another electoral reform promise

Trudeau breaking another electoral reform promise

Not only has Prime Minister Trudeau broken his promise that 2015 would be the last First-Past-The-Post election, now the government ...
Trudeau’s broken promise on voter suppression heading to court

Trudeau’s broken promise on voter suppression heading to court

Despite a clear election promise to repeal undemocratic provisions in the so-called “Fair” Elections Act, the Trudeau government has failed ...