Council of Canadians chapters across the country are active on social media, including Twitter.
They share information about their events, concerns in their community and region, and retweet blogs, media releases, online action alerts and more coming from the Ottawa office of The Council of Canadians.
To follow Council of Canadians chapters on Twitter, please go to:
Pacific region
Victoria chapter @cocvic
Kamloops chapter @CoCkamloops
Vancouver-Burnaby chapter @VanCofCDNs
Mid Island chapter @MidIslandCoC
Comox Valley chapter @ComoxValleyCOC
Prairies-NWT region
Winnipeg chapter @CanadiansWPG
Calgary chapter @CalgaryCoC
NorthWest Territories chapter @cocnwt
Red Deer chapter @CoCRedDeer
Ontario-Quebec region
London chapter @londoncoc
Sudbury chapter @CofCSUDBURY
Ottawa chapter @OttawaCofC
Toronto chapter @TorontoCoC
Northumberland County chapter @cocnchapter
Centre Wellington @canadians_cw
Atlantic region
North Shore chapter @nsnscoc
St. John’s @StJohnsCoC
You can also follow The Council of Canadians at @CouncilofCDNs, chairperson Maude Barlow at @MaudeBarlow, and me at @CBrentPatterson.