The peaceful march and rally on the opening of the fall session of New Brunswick’s legislature just wrapped up, with about 400 people in attendance. Gretchen Fitzgerald from the Sierra Club and I drove up from Halifax to march about 4kms before arriving at the New Brunswick Legislature for the rally, greeted by 30 or so pro-fracking activists.
The newly formed Fredericton chapter was there in full force, along with several members of the Saint John chapter. There were lots of media in attendance, including cameras from CTV, Global, and CBC / Radio-Canada. We were expecting the Energy Minister to make an announcement today, but instead he announced he was going to make an announcement.
I also got to speak with the Energy critic (Lib) Chris Collins and he said right away that they did not support Frank McKenna’s position (“There’s no reason NB can’t have a safe shale gas industry”, CBC news). And that they would put a moratorium on fracking until more information was available.
A bunch of us from Fredericton chapter, Sierra club, CCNB, and others are now warming up at the local pub! Then back to Halifax!