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400 people at “Time for Change” public forum in Toronto

Maude and JerryThe Council of Canadians held a “Time for Change, #Iwillvote2015” public forum in Toronto last night.

The panel of speakers featured Maude Barlow (Council of Canadians chairperson), Jerry Dias (Unifor national president), Jim Stanford (economist), Ritika Goel (physician and health justice activist) and Annie Bradley (film and television director).

As the evening began, Barlow tweeted, “Great turnout for the Go Vote town hall at OISE in Toronto! We will win!” And as shared in a tweet by Unifor Canada, Barlow told the audience, “I will promise you one thing. On October 20th Stephen Harper will not be prime minister of Canada.”

Unifor also tweeted:

  • The incomparable Maude Barlow speaking at “Time for change”.

  • Unifor president Jerry Dias: “We can do what Albertans did: we can vote for hope.”

  • The always funny and informative Jim Stanford runs through some of the most ridiculous quotes from Conservative Party ministers.

  • The Harper government the “best economic managers”? Jim Stanford shows how they rank compared to other governments. Hint: worst!

  • “When candidates come to your door, tell them that you will not vote for a party that does not support national pharmacare”, says Ritika Goel

And Goel tweeted:

  • “The government sees the arts as a sleeper cell for dissent,” [says Bradley]

  • “122 days to go until the election. Until we take back our country,” [says Dias]

  • Barlow’s Top Concerns: 1. Harper’s attack on dissent. 2. 99% of lakes and rivers not protected.

  • Barlow talks trade – “we are allowing new corporations ability to sue us if we protect our resources.”

  • Barlow is worried about the cuts to health care under Harper.

  • Awesome hilarious speech from economist Jim Stanford on the “bullshit” (his technical term) of this govt.

Toronto townhall

Last night was the eighth election-focused town hall meeting organized by the Council of Canadians in partnership with allies. Our next public forums will take place in London (June 22) and Courtenay (June 24).

Please also join us tomorrow (Saturday June 20) for a workshop and door-to-door canvassing to increase voter turnout in the upcoming federal election. For more details on this, please click here.

For more on our democracy campaign, please click here.

Blogs on our previous election town halls:
Big audience in Vancouver for election town hall forum (April 30)
A full house at Ottawa election town hall forum (May 7)
Winnipeg election town hall a success (May 12)
250 people at ‘go vote’ town hall in Saskatoon (May 13)
#GoVote2015 public forum held in Bridgewater (May 19)
#GoVote2015 forum in Moncton (May 20)
#GoVote2015 public forum in Scarborough (June 1)

Photo of Barlow and Dias by Unifor.
