News and Analysis
In support of our campaigns and organizing, we publish insightful research and hard-hitting analysis and keep our members and supporters informed.

Harper’s policies could mean a $4.7 billion federal deficit
In early 2014 the Harper government expected a $6.4 billion budget surplus in 2015-16. And so, with the October 19, ...

Greece set to elect government that would veto CETA
The Old Royal Palace houses the Greek parliament.
Greece will go to the polls in a national election ...

Mid Island chapter protests LNG forum in Nanaimo
Protest against the Regional LNG Seminar in Nanaimo yesterday.
The Council of Canadians Mid Island chapter called on ...

CETA could mean Galicia pays for unwanted open-pit gold mine
A map of the proposed Corcoesto open-pit gold mine in Galicia.
Vancouver-based Edgewater Exploration wants to establish its ...

Harper to block NAFTA commission from studying tar sands tailings ponds
The Harper government is trying to block a weak environmental commission - set up under the North American Free ...

Canada’s premiers to meet in Ottawa to discuss pipelines and climate change
Canada's premiers and territorial leaders need to grapple with the issue of climate change.
And they're not doing so well ...

Mulcair, Trudeau back CETA in Newfoundland fisheries fund dispute
While Newfoundland and Labrador premier Paul Davis has threatened to "withdraw our support for CETA" over the fisheries fund dispute, ...

Why Harper & Wynne’s meeting could undermine the right to water in Ontario
PMO photo of Wynne and Harper meeting yesterday in Toronto.
After a series of requests from Kathleen Wynne, ...

The Unknowns of Fracking Wastewater: Mediocre regulations set the standard
On Thursday, December 10th, Colchester County approved Atlantic Industrial Servies’ (AIS) application to dispose of 28 million litres of fracking ...

Newfoundland to take CETA dispute to European Union
The provincial government of Newfoundland and Labrador says in the "coming weeks" it will be taking its dispute with the ...

CETA should have a GMO warning label on it in Europe
A protest against GMOs in the European Parliament. Photo by Euractiv.
Genetically modified (GM) food is more strictly ...

Ontario fails to respect the right to water with approval of logging plan
The Council of Canadians is disappointed that the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has approved the resumption ...