News and Analysis
In support of our campaigns and organizing, we publish insightful research and hard-hitting analysis and keep our members and supporters informed.

Council of Canadians welcomes progress on pharmacare legislation
Ottawa – The Pharmacare Act (Bill C-64) is expected to pass third reading in the House of Commons later today ...

Corporate lobbyists dominate hearings for Pharmacare Act
Last week, the Standing Committee on Health held two days of hearings on Bill C-64, the Pharmacare Act. The Council ...

Briefing note on Bill C-64 (Pharmacare Act) for the Standing Committee on Health
This is a copy of the briefing note that the Council of Canadians submitted to the parliamentary Standing Committee on ...

What’s up with the Loblaws boycott?
Since May 1, people across the country have been boycotting Loblaws and any affiliated grocery stores as a part of ...

We’ve seen claims of ‘Common Sense’ before and it wasn’t pretty
Originally published in the Toronto Star Memory is a powerful thing. We all have memories of beautiful moments that come ...

Pundits regularly attacked pharmacare without disclosing Big Pharma ties
Dozens of op-eds opposing pharmacare from think tank analysts did not reveal their authors’ conflicts of interest ...

The Conference Board of Canada: Putting a respectable face on Big Pharma spin
When the Pharmacare Act came up for debate in the House of Commons, Conservative MPs rose to speak against it ...

Campbell River Chapter marks 25th anniversary with an Earth Day celebration
In celebration of Earth Day and our 25th anniversary on April 22nd, 2024, our Council of Canadians Campbell River chapter ...

A Warm Welcome to the South Okanagan Chapter
The chapter brings together Council of Canadians supporters from communities across BC’s southern interior, including Peachland, Summerland, Penticton, Okanagan Falls, ...

Statement: Arms Embargo Now!
The Council of Canadians has joined organizations and unions across the country, representing over 2 million people, to call on ...

Big Pharma’s ‘Intellectual Echo Chambers’ and the fight to lower drug prices in Canada
In 1998, a tobacco industry lobbyist John F. Scruggs coined the term “echo chamber” in a memo to his employer ...

Canada’s already on fire
Summer is just around the corner – and this year, it unfortunately might be more appropriate to call it Fire ...