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ACTION ALERT: Budget cuts to Environment Canada are unacceptable

News agencies are reporting that the Harper government is planning a $222-million or 20% reduction in spending at Environment Canada.

This includes a $141 million cut to climate change and clean air initiatives, as well as a $19.5-million cut to a federal action plan dealing with contaminated federal sites, and about $3-million in reductions for compliance promotion and enforcement for wildlife and pollution.

Meanwhile, in 2010 to 2011, Environment Canada’s program activities amount to just over one billion dollars while National Defence spending is over twenty billion. This is further evidence that the Harper government is out of step with the views of Canadians.

According to recent Environics poll, seventy-one percent of Canadians strongly or somewhat agreed with the statement, “money spent on wars and the military would all be better spent on efforts that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of climate change.”


Send an email to the Prime Minister, Environment Minister Peter Kent and the leaders of the opposition here
