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ACTION ALERT: Demand that your MP meets with Malalai Joya

Please see the following action alert from the Canadian Peace Alliance:

Election fraud. Torture. Increasing civilian casualties. If ever there was a time to ask the Afghan people what they want for their future that time is now.

Afghan MP Malalai Joya, “the bravest woman in Afghanistan”, has been  speaking to audiences across Canada, to launch her new book, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice.

Today we write to ask for your help in ensuring she speaks to your elected representatives about the future of Afghanistan.

All Canadian MPs and Senators have been invited to a Parliamentary Roundtable on Afghanistan with Malalai Joya, at 11:30 am, November 26, 2009 in Ottawa. You can make sure your MP hears what this courageous woman has to say about Canadian policy on Afghanistan.

Will your MP listen? Join the virtual march on Parliament Hill to make sure they do, by phoning and emailing your MP on November 24 and 25.

What you can say to your MP:

– On November 26 will you be participating in the Parliamentary roundtable discussion with Afghan MP Malalai Joya?

– Unlike the corrupt warlords and druglords in the Afghan parliament Malalai Joya actually represents widespread sentiment in Afghanistan (she had the second highest number of votes in Farah province)

– She also represents the views of a majority of Canadians who want the troops to come home — not in 2011, but now. The majority of Afghans and Canadians want the troops to leave.

– In 2007, she was undemocratically suspended from parliament, and threatened with sexual violence by members of that parliament on the pretext that she had insulted other MPs, while the warlords in the Afghan Parliament continue to enjoy impunity.

– Malalai Joya has survived multiple assassination attempts for her views.

– Malalai Joya has important policy ideas for concrete steps for building an independent and genuinely democratic Afghanistan.

– Given the seriousness of the conflict in Afghanistan and its impacts on society here at home, Parliamentarians have an obligation to engage, learn, and understand.

– If you are serious about democracy in Afghanistan, call for her immediate reinstatement to the Afghan Parliament.

Tell your MP to RSVP to: or 613-859-6996.

A full list of contact information for MP’s is available at .

For more information, please go to

The Malalai Joya Defence Committee is at