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Action alert: Final push needed for C-311!

Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act will be before the House of Commons for the final House debate and vote this coming Wednesday, May 5 at 5:30.

The Liberals joined the Bloc and the NDP recently in voting to support Bill C-311moving forward.

The fact that this bill has come so far speaks to the influence of public pressure – passage of the Climate Change Accountability Act has been a clear demand of many emails, calls, demonstrations and actions over this past year.

Let’s not stop now.

Call your MP and let them know you support Bill C-311 becoming law. If they have voted in support of the Bill (Liberal, Bloc and NDP), thank them and encourage their ongoing support of the bill next Wednesday.

Use our action alert to send a message to Party Leaders about Bill C-311.

Our action alert also links to MPs contact information and has some suggested points to include when you contact your MP.

Passing Bill C-311 is a necessary first step in establishing legal requirements for emission reductions, failing to pass this Bill will result in further delays, an unacceptable option.

While the Council of Canadians climate justice campaign demands even deeper emission reductions (at least 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020), and we are disappointed that our government has not already committed to the targets under the Climate Change Accountability Act, it is the only climate legislation before the House of Commons. We want to see Bill C-311 become law!