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ACTION ALERT: Oppose Quebecor/ Fox News North’s CRTC application

The Council of Canadians is a member of, which is working to advance and support an open and innovative communications system in Canada.

They are asking supporters to send a letter to the CRTC to oppose consideration of “a license for Quebecor’s Sun TV News, a clone of the right-wing Fox network in the U.S.”

They note that, “A hearing into its bid for ‘Mandatory Access’ status in all cable and satellite TV lineups is scheduled for November.”

To add your name to the growing list or individuals and organizations – including the Council of Canadians – that oppose what “amounts to a public subsidy of millions of dollars for a Right Wing TV station own by one of Canada’s largest media conglomerates in the country,” please go to

To read Murray Dobbin’s blog on Fox News North, please go to