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ACTION ALERT: Support the Al Jazeera English application to broadcast in Canada

Please see below an action alert from a broad-based campaign to support Al Jazeera English in Canada:

Please take a few moments (by Monday June 8, 2009) to contact the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunication Commission (CRTC) to explain why you support the Al Jazeera English application to broadcast in Canada.

Send your comments by mail, fax or e-mail. Please see instructions below.

Why Al Jazeera English (AJE)?

  • AJE provides news and information not available elsewhere and from parts of the world that go unreported. There is also evidence that it serves as a ‘bridge’ to understand other cultures.
  • Canadians, as part of the most multicultural country in the world, would particularly appreciate its unique perspective on global issues.
  • Al Jazeera operates within a strict Code of Ethics and adheres to the rigorous regulation of Britain’s regulatory authority, Ofcom.
  • Al Jazeera has a reputation for reporting stories no one else does. AJE received international acclaim as the only international English-language news channel which covered both sides of the Gaza-Israeli conflict.
  • AJE’s editorial staff is made up of 50 nationalities and brings a truly international treatment of world issues.
  • AJE is widely respected throughout the broadcast industry, and has already won many major journalistic awards.
  • AJE is a distinct channel within the Al Jazeera group – with separate editorial staff, priorities and audience – but it is proud to be part of the Al Jazeera journalistic tradition.

Where does Al Jazeera English (AJE) broadcast?
After only two years on the air, AJE has a huge audience reach that is growing faster than any other international news channel in history. It is available in over 100 countries.

Why not in Canada?
We all understand the importance of having more media sources in Canada, especially independent and unconsolidated media channels.

Although Al Jazeera English offers its broadcast for free, live, streaming on the internet, Canadians should have the right to view its programming in high definition on television.

Please act now and let the CRTC know that we want Al Jazeera in Canada. If the CRTC gives Al Jazeera broadcasting rights it could be available in Canada by satellite and digital distribution by the fall.

Support the campaig now by drafting a letter in support of the application and submitting it to the CRTC & ECGL through any of the following options:

Please act now. All submissions are due Monday, June 8, 2009.

For more information, please visit the following campaign sites:

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail