On Thursday April 23rd,Vancouver’s Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets will discuss staff recommendations to phase out the sale and provision of bottled water on city owned and operated property and re-invest in water fountains.
We need you to contact your city councillor and tell them to support public water by ditching bottled water.
In the past year Canadians have made a commitment to public water services. Across the country, municipalities, schools and universities, faith-based organizations, restaurants and unions have stood up for Canada’s public water services by restricting the provision and sale of bottled water. Already 36 municipalities from seven provinces have taken action. Will Vancouver also stand up for public water?
In British Columbia, municipal tap water is among the safest and cleanest in the world. Meanwhile bottled water costs significantly more and is less regulated than tap water. Manufacturing plastic bottles consumes energy, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and releases harmful toxins into our watersheds.
Take Action NOW:
Send an email to members of Vancouver City Council telling them to vote in favour of restrictions on bottled water. Please see the sample letter and contact information for councilors below.
Polaris Institute & The Council of Canadians
Sample Letter for Councillors:
clranton@vancouver.ca; clrcadman@vancouver.ca; clrchow@vancouver.ca; clrdeal@vancouver.ca; clrjang@vancouver.ca; clrlouie@vancouver.ca; clrmeggs@vancouver.ca; clrreimer@vancouver.ca; clrstevenson@vancouver.ca; clrwoodsworth@vancouver.ca; gregor.robertson@vancouver.ca
Dear Councillor,
On Thursday April 23rd, the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets will discuss staff recommendations to phase out the sale and provision of bottled water on city owned and operated property and re-invest in water fountains.
I strongly encourage you to support the staff recommendations and take action to phase out bottled water and support the tap.
Across the country municipalities and school boards, universities and colleges, hospitals and restaurants are choosing to promote tap water. Just recently, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) urged their municipal members to “phase out the purchase and sale of bottled water in city facilities”. Will Vancouver join the growing list of communities across the country standing up for the tap?
In British Columbia, municipal tap water is among the safest and cleanest in the world. Meanwhile bottled water costs significantly more, is less regulated, consumes more energy and releases more harmful toxins into the environment than tap water.
Not only does committing to tap water reduce costs and protect the environment, it demonstrates support for Canada’s public water services.
With regards,
Concerned Resident