The Yinka Dene Alliance is taking a Freedom Train across Canada to enforce their legal ban on the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil pipelines and tankers project, and to stand up for their freedom to choose their own future.
A large delegation of Yinka Dene people will travel with allied First Nations from their traditional territories in northern BC all the way to Toronto, with stops along the way. According to the Freedom Train 2012 website, “These oil pipelines and tankers threaten the very survival of First Nations peoples with devastating oil spills. That is why the Yinka Dene Alliance are taking this Freedom Train across Canada: to stand up for the freedom to live according to their own cultures, the freedom to govern themselves and their lands, and the freedom of all of us from the catastrophic risks of big oil and their inevitable oil spills.”
1. Sign the Freedom Train 2012 petition, which states: We call on Parliament to recognize the decision that has been taken by the Yinka Dene Alliance and other First Nations to ban tar sands pipelines and tankers in their lands and waters – including the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker project.
2. Attend a Freedom Train 2012 event:
The freedom train will stop in:
- Jasper, Alberta April 30
- Edmonton, Alberta May 1-2
- Saskatoon, May 3
- Winnipeg, May 4-5
- Toronto, May 8-9
The Council of Canadians Winnipeg chapter and Toronto office are involved in the organizing of the Winnipeg and Toronto events. For more information about the events happening at each stop, please see:
3. Share this action alert widely!