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Atlantic’s First Blue Communitiy: Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (or MODL) celebrated their Blue Community achievement at the beginning of the Council meeting Tuesday night, and received their official certificate in the presence of many South Shore chapter members.

I said a few words of congratulations to start off the meeting, including what an important step to protecting the water this was and how they are joining over 1.5 million others worldwide who are currently part of a Blue Community. 

Mayor Don Downe also spoke to the work that was done by Council, staff and the community to achieve this feat, and how he was very pleased that accommodations could be made given the rural nature of the municipality (many are on private wells for their water source), thus breaking ground for other rural communities to follow suit. 

Hands were shaken, babies were kissed, and blurry photos were taken (and now shared):

Back row, l-r: John Wright (Blue Team 1), Donna Foulkes, Amanda Bostlund (Blue Team 1), Daniel Vokey (Blue Team 2), David Walmark.

Front row, l-r: Angela Giles, Mayor Don Downe, Barb Carthew, Marion Moore (Blue Team 2), Linda Loth, Charlene Morton (Blue Team 2).

The South Shore Chapter should be very proud of this achievement, especially “Blue Team #2”, made up of Charlene Morton, Marion Moore, Malcolm Sepulchre (missing from the photo) and Daniel Vokey who worked directly with MODL staff. Congratulations to all!

Blue team #1 is working on Bridgewater and the motivation from MODL’s work will hopefully help to see this passed soon!

Related blogs:

WIN! Municipality of the District of Lunenburg becomes Blue Community (Atlantic Canada’s 1st!)
