Food Secure Canada plenary in Halifax this morning. Facebook photo by Food Secure Canada.
Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow spoke at the opening plenary session of Food Secure Canada’s 8th national assembly in Halifax, Nova Scotia this morning. She spoke alongside Kerry Prosper, a Councillor and former Chief at Paqtn’kek Mi’kmaw Nation, and Debbie Reimer from the Kids Action Program.

Barlow gives speech this morning. Twitter photo by Monika Dutt.
Among her comments tweeted by those in attendance:
“My plea today is for us to understand that when we talk about food we also have to talk about water” -
“Food means water and vice versa. We often don’t talk about water” -
“The solution to the water crisis is to support local, sustainable farming” -
“The single most important way we can avert the water crisis is to pursue local sustainable agriculture” -
“Displacement of water is a huge part of climate chaos. If you take down the rainforest, the rain goes away”
Barlow also linked pipelines with food security, highlighting the dangers they pose to land and water.
More than 450 people and organizations are at this November 13-16 conference. Other speakers there include Diana Bronson, Vandana Shiva, Pam Palmater, Debbie Field and Megan Leslie.
For more on the Food Secure Canada conference, please click here.