Today Blue October begins and we already have activities in Mexico, two events: one in Puebla and the other en Chiapas. Both states are going through important battles against water privatization.
In Bolivia, with a lot of participation as in previous years, there are more than 30 activities being planed in different regions of the country! These activities include cinema, informative rallies, festivals, an ecumenical ceremony for water and much more.
In Chile a first town council for the right to water will aim for a reform to the constitution and laws that secures the right to water and changes the definition of water as an “economic good”.
In Norway there will be events about water grabs in Africa, scarcity in India and mining in Guatemala.
This year, Blue October highlights the importance of defending water sources; with this in mind we are collaborating with the Global Frackdown a day of action against hydraulic fracturing (October 19). Also known as fracking, this is a technique to extract non conventional gas that consumes and pollutes large volumes of water.
Also participating in Blue October 2013 is Canada, Uruguay, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Hungary and we are hoping more countries will join.
If you are planning to join us in commemorating Blue October, please fill out the activity information and email it back to:
Answer the following questions as briefly as possible
*Title and Brief Description of Activity: -
*Date and time of Activity: -
*Name of Organization or Group: -
*Country: -
City: -
Venue: -
Organizational Website: -
*Contact Name: -
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In the section of “download resources” you can find this year’s logo about defending water sources!
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