Ecuador: From October 14 to 18 the 5th Waterlat Network meeting will take place with the theme: Is Latin-American heading to post neoliberal water management?
Colombia: The Women’s Festival in Defense of Water took place and during the whole month a Blue October Cinema Festival will be screening ecological and social documentaries.
Guatemala: From October 6 to 12 the 5th Latin-American Encounter of REDLAR (Latin-American Network of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers) is taking place.
Hungary: In the context of the Budapest Water Summit organized by the corporate driven World Water Council, water warriors will be hosting a side event today dealing with the implementation of the human right to water from a water justice perspective.
Sri Lanka: The 17th of October a Demonstration at FAO Colombo Sri Lanka Office by farmers seeking compensation from FAO for deaths, diseases, disabilities, as well as deprivation of their way of life and their right to life due to the consequences of introducing agro chemicals to agriculture and polluting water, soil and environment with agro toxins will take place.
Other countries participating are: Bolivia, Mexico, Norway, Chile, United States, Canada, Philippines and Uruguay.
Visit our web page to find further details of these and many other activities! . Remember to download the 2013 LOGO in the resources section for your posters, images, calls and web pages, we all make this campaign possible! -
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There is still time to join Blue October!
If you are planning to join us in commemorating Blue October, please fill out the activity information and email it back to:
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*Date and time of Activity: -
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