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CARP’s pension reform campaign

The Canwest News Service reports that, “Canada’s largest seniors’ advocacy group has escalated its pension-reform campaign with the release of a paper calling for a new, national pension plan to replace the Canada Pension Plan.”

“A new public retirement savings plan that is ‘universally accessible, affordable, adequate and sustainable,’ is needed to replace woefully inadequate CPP benefits, says CARP, formerly known as the Canadian Association of Retired People.”

“The position paper for a new universal plan contains few specifics. CARP says it could be a single national fund modelled on the CPP or a system of provincial and even regional funds.”

The CARP website is at

Today’s news report is at

A campaign blog on pensions – VIEW: ‘Double CPP benefits’, says Georgetti – can be read at

Council of Canadians Board member Fred Wilson’s recent blog on pensions is at