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Council of Canadians & allies warn against the corporate promotion of GM apple in classrooms

Council of Canadians vice-chair Leo Broderick

The Council of Canadians is joining with allies the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), Kids Right to Know, and Earth Action PEI to alert teachers, students and parents about a March 7 webinar aimed at high school students to promote a genetically modified apple.

The webinar, part of an ‘Agriculture in the Classroom’ public relations program, will be presented by Okanagan Specialty Fruits’ Marketing and Communications Specialist Jessica Brady and will focus on their genetically-modified non-browning Arctic Apple. That BC-based company is now owned by US biotechnology company Intrexon.

Charlottetown-based Council of Canadians vice-chair Leo Broderick says, “This corporate intrusion into our schools is unacceptable. We can’t let corporations teach our students and we are calling on all provincial Ministers of Education to put a halt to this webinar and protect students from this corporate propaganda.”

Broderick is also a former high-school teacher and administrator.

The Council of Canadians is a member group of CBAN and our opposition to this GM apple goes back several years. In February 2014 our Kelowna chapter – located in the fruit growing region of the Okanagan Valley – participated in a protest against GMO apples. And in the spring of 2014, Council of Canadians activist Ava Waxman spoke on this issue at the BC-Yukon regional meeting of chapters and has been encouraging people to sign a ‘Say No to the GMO Apple’ petition.

In March 2015, Canadian Food Inspection Agency gave its permission to Okanagan Specialty Fruits to grow and sell this apple in Canada.

Please call or write your provincial Minister of Education today to tell them that this webinar is unacceptable.

To read the joint media release on this, please click here.
