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Council of Canadians report-back on experiences at Cochabamba conference

As you may have noticed if you’ve been following my blogs, the Cochabamba conference has been an important focus of the Council’s energy and climate justice campaign lately.

Having attended the conference and, as reported in various ways, participated in the global climate justice movement while working to deepen the analysis and actions for our climate justice campaign, I’ve just finished working with others at the Council of Canadians to produce a summary report on our experiences.

Building the Movement for Climate Justice: The Significance of the Cochabamba Conference

The 4-page report focuses on:

  • Why the Cochabamba climate conference was significant
  • Why, and how the Council of Canadians participated
  • Next steps after Cochabamba for building the climate justice movement; global and local

We hope that this will help further discussions on the significance of the Cochabamba conference, move forward the conclusions, including the People’s Agreement, and help build the growing movement for climate justice in Canada.