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Council of Canadians vice-chairperson at Canadian Peace Alliance convention

The Canadian Peace Alliance is Canada’s largest umbrella peace organization and the Council of Canadians is a member group, represented by our vice-chairperson Leo Broderick. This weekend he is attending their 2014 convention: ‘Peace & prosperity, not war & austerity’.

Yesterday, Broderick joined Ben Powless (an Ottawa-based activist opposed to the Energy East pipeline) for a workshop titled, ‘Peace, pipelines and Indigenous sovereignty’.

Ben Powless and Leo Broderick

The 2014 convention aims to bring together peace activists and allies from all across the country to discuss and debate the task of building a stronger movement for peace and justice. The goals of the Canadian Peace Alliance include redirecting funds from military spending to human needs; working toward global nuclear disarmament; making Canada a consistent leader for world peace; strengthening world institutions for the peaceful resolution of conflict; and protecting the rights of all people to work for peace, social & economic justice.

Further reading
ACTION ALERT: Remember by stopping war
Why is Canada at war in Kandahar?
This is supporting our troops?
60% of Canadians opposed to extended military mission in Afghanistan

Photo by Chris Jones.