Council of Canadians trade campaigner Stuart Trew writes, “In November 2013, the Council of Canadians commissioned an Environics poll that asked how people felt about some of CETA’s more controversial aspects.”
He notes that, “The poll found that while support was high in general for a Canada-EU deal (73%), more than three quarters (77%) of Canadians think municipal governments should retain the right to prefer Canadian or local firms when spending public money; 65% are opposed to extending patents on brand name drugs; and 54% oppose giving EU firms NAFTA-like rights to sue Canada through investor-to-state arbitration. Importantly, a huge majority (80%) believe ‘the federal government should have to hold public hearings across Canada on the Canada-Europe trade deal before it can sign and ratify the deal.'”
To read the recently released 8-page ‘Trade with Europe… But not at any cost’ report, please click here.