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Dear Ontarians, Keep ’em Coming! They’re Amazing!

The September 13th ON march and rally to support health care is quickly approaching! Many of you have participated already by calling and leaving a message on our answering service (1-855-452-2511). I’ve been listening to those messages all day and I can’t express how amazing they are!

We’ve gotten such a diversity of messages already. I didn’t predict such an awesome response! I’ve heard people demand: more long term care homes, more home care services, affordable prescription drugs. I’ve heard your calls for better mental health care services, more doctors and physiatrists. You’ve spoken with passion when mentioning your concerns for children, grandchildren, and the generations to follow. And many of you have talked about the right to medical care, the importance of equality in our health care system, and the need to protect and strengthen medicare through the 2014 health care accord renegotiation. You’ve recognized what a crucial time we’re in. One of you even called on your fellow Ontarians to “stand up and be counted”!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. These messages have been inspiring, entertaining, thoughtful and they truly reflect how strongly Ontarians feel about their medicare system. Please keep them coming! I want to play hundreds (perhaps thousands?!) of messages through the streets of Toronto, past our hospitals and medical professionals who will be lining the streets, past fellow Ontarians joined in the struggle, and march up to politicians with your voices from across the province. I would love to share with people at the rally-and those who couldn’t attend- all the words and messages you have sent. I’d love to report that thousands of Ontarians called-in to share their voice and their message on why they’re voting for health care. If you haven’t already leant your voice, please do so! If you have left a message, forward the email we sent, this blog address, or your own personal message to friends and family and ask them to leave a message. The more voices we have, the louder we are!

Together we can shape all of the party’s platforms and convince whoever the next Premier is that health care needs to be protected and strengthened and that Ontarians want and deserve one of the best health care systems in the world.

If you’re able to attend the rally in person, please come stand with Mark and I (Maryam will be at school) under the big yellow banner. We’d love to have you walk with us!

I hope to see many of you on September 13th, Queen’s Park, Toronto, noon.