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Delta chapter supports the Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax

Eric DohertyThe Council of Canadians Delta chapter supports the 0.5 per cent Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax.

The tax is intended to support a series of potential regional transit improvements. The Delta Optimist reports, “For South Delta, they include a rapid bus station at highways 99 and 17A, relocating and expanding the South Delta Exchange park and ride, increasing peak bus service on some routes and expanding HandyDart [which uses specially-equipped vehicles designed to carry passengers with physical or cognitive disabilities who need assistance to use public transit].”

“The tax is expected to cost $125 per year for the average household.”

The newspaper adds that the proposed tax “will be put to voters in a mail-in referendum this spring. …Mail-in ballots will go out beginning March 16. Eligible voters will have until May 29 to return them.”

The article highlights that, “The Delta chapter of the Council of Canadians, which supports the proposed tax, is holding a presentation and discussion at the Ladner Pioneer Library on Thursday, Feb. 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. Transportation planner and author Eric Doherty will speak.”