Keynote speaker Linda McQuaig
Canadians for Tax Fairness is organizing a ‘Fair Tax Summit’ on March 29-30 at the Lord Elgin Hotel in Ottawa.
They state it is “a conference aimed at building a movement for progressive taxation in order to protect social programs and build a more equal society” and is intended “for activists, researchers, labour and NGO leaders, students, environment group members, beneficiaries of social programs, journalists and elected officials…”
“The keynote address will be by Linda McQuaig, well known author and journalist, who has most recently co-authored with Neil Brooks the best selling book, The Trouble with Billionaires. She will speak about Building a Better Canada.” Other confirmed speakers include Brooks, Armine Yalnizyan, Andrew Jackson and Peter Julian. One of the plenary sessions is titled “Tax cutting and austerity budgets or tax fairness and better government services and social programs? The political and economic context for fair tax campaigning.”
The goals of the conference include:
-facilitating a sharing of research and learnings from the experience of campaigns in other countries;
-clarifying choices and policy options and developing a common platform for action on fair taxes;
-developing public education, advocacy and action campaign plans including figuring out how best to communicate our message.
The conference will be limited to 150 participants, so early registration is requested. Registration for organizations is $175, for individuals or small organizations $75, and for students or unwaged $25.00.
For more information – and to register – please go to http://www.taxfairness.ca/civicrm/event/info?id=1&reset=1&lcMessages=en_US.