The Fredericton chapter’s ‘Save Canada’ free drink tickets.
The Council of Canadians Fredericton chapter ‘punked’ TransCanada last night at the reception held after New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant’s State of the Province Address.
TransCanada, the company wanting to build the 1.1 million barrel per day Energy East pipeline and now using the NAFTA investor-state provision to sue the US government over its rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, was the ‘Premier’s Reception Sponsor’.
The chapter’s media release notes, “Volunteer members of the Council of Canadians chapter handed out ‘Free Drink Tickets’ with the logo ‘SaveCanada’ to people entering the Convention Centre. Maggie Connell of the chapter explains, ‘On the back of the tickets were messages that drew attention to the considerable risks that the Energy East pipeline project would have for our drinking water as well as our future economic prosperity.'”
The media release continues, “As business folks filed into the convention centre last night, they were met by a number of suits who politely directed them and passed out free tickets, entitling the bearer to the following:
Free water treatment facility for your community; -
Free location services for alternate drinking water sources for your community; -
First $1 Billion of a possible $2-10 Billion cleanup for a spill in your local waterway or Bay; -
Miss Out on funding from the new $17 Billion Federal Infrastructure program for clean economy projects; and -
Free job counselling services for your community, post-pipeline construction.”
The Canadian Press reports that in his State of the Province address last night, “Gallant said the government is supporting the responsible development of natural resources including the proposed Energy East pipeline.”
The chapter will also send their media release to the National Energy Board to be properly documented as part of their review process for the Energy East pipeline.