The energy and commitment was amazing at the first public meeting on fracking in Charlottetown last night! Despite the first winter storm, about 40 people came to the Murphy Centre to learn more about hydraulic fracturing and to be part of a coalition to stop it from happening on the Island.
Anne, Johanna, David, and Angela at Charlottetown anti-fracking meeting
The group was diverse: some knew about fracking, others were just learning; some were from the city, others from more rural PEI; some came as individuals, others were affiliated. There were older and younger people, from a range of socio-economic backgrounds.
The organizers started the meeting with a presentation of what fracking is, where land leases are held by companies who have fracking operations, and what has happened to date on the Island.
Anne Levesque, Johanna Padelt, and David Martin were invited over from Inverness County (they are all members of the Council of Canadians chapter there, and Anne is also a member of our national board) by the organizing committee from Inverness to share their experiences with Petroworth in the Lake Ainslie area, and also with the bylaw they have been working on with their local municipal council.
I also provided some updates on what is happening in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in terms of the industry, in the provincial political sphere, and the opposition movements in each province. A facilitated question and answer and discussion ensued, with some decisions about next steps for those interested in building a movement to oppose fracking in PEI.
For those interested in joining the movement in PEI, or anywhere in the Atlantic, or learning more about what was discussed, please be in touch with the Atlantic Regional office: It is building and you can be part of the movement!