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John Hilary’s new book, ‘The Poverty of Capitalism’

Council of Canadians activists will remember John Hilary who spoke at our annual meeting in Nanaimo in October 2012 and at our ‘Shout Out for Global Justice’ in Toronto in June 2010. Some of us also saw him at the World Social Forum in Tunisia in March 2013.

John Hilary

He has just written a new book titled, The Poverty of Capitalism: Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next. In this book, Hilary ‘reveals the true face of transnational capital in its insatiable drive for expansion and accumulation. He exposes the myth of corporate social responsibility, and highlights key areas of conflict over natural resources, labor rights and food sovereignty. Hilary also describes the growing popular resistance to corporate power, as well as the new social movements seeking to develop alternatives to capitalism itself. This book will be essential reading for all those concerned with global justice, human rights and equity in the new world order.’

Further reading
War on Want
Facebook: The Poverty of Capitalism
The Guardian
About: The Poverty of Capitalism