The next major round of UN climate negotiations will be held in Cancun November 29 to December 10. The last one in Copenhagen failed miserably.
This past summer has seen severe wildfires in Russia, devastating floods in Pakistan, mudslides in China, droughts in the Sahel and Niger, and an 87-square-kilometre chunk of ice break off from Greenland.
Why wait for governments to take action? Join a People’s Assembly and help make climate justice a reality.
Find a new map of assemblies happening in communities across Canada here.
This past September the Council of Canadians alongside the Indigenous Environmental Network, KAIROS and the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition issued a call to action for hosting People’s Assemblies on Climate posterJustice during the Cancun climate negotiations (November 29 to December 10).
What is a People’s Assembly on Climate Justice?
A People’s Assembly is an interactive process that provides the opportunity for people to listen and be heard about what climate justice means to them, in their community and globally. It is not a speakers panel or a public forum.
It is a movement-building and organizing tool. It is a gathering of people to discuss and analyze climate justice that can feature a local climate justice issue or campaign.
A People’s Assembly is a space to discuss demands, commitments and visions for how things could be different. It is aimed at transforming awareness into action by invigorating ongoing and new climate justice actions in your community.
Get involved! Find out whether an assembly is happening in your community, get in touch with the local organizing contact. It’s not to late – you can organize an assembly in your community – find out more at
Already involved? Check out the great new resources available at including a list of local climate justice actions, custimizable poster for local assemblies, information on People’s Assemblies on Climate Justice – PACJ – tweet-in, factsheets on real and false solutions to the climate crisis, and more.