Just four of the dozens of art works already submitted.
The Council of Canadians Kent County chapter is hosting an Earth Day Student Art Show in Richibucto, New Brunswick.
The chapter notes in their outreach, “Young people from around Kent County are submitting drawings, paintings, watercolors, poetry, and other creations to show what Planet Earth means to them, and/or how we can we protect this Earth that gives us life. We already have some terrific submissions!”
The chapter highlights, “Five $50:00 prizes will be drawn. All participants will be eligible to win. Community leaders will be drawing the names of the participants who will get prizes.”
And it explains that the rules are:
“All school age students are eligible to participate.
Students can work alone, in groups or present a class project.
It’s not too late: we welcome submissions from individuals 18 years old or younger, or from classes, until April 19th.
Call 506-785-2998 for more information.”
The Art Show will take place on April 22 from 2-4:30 pm at The Anchor / L’ancre, 49 Acadie St., Room 104.