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KYOTOplus coalition calls for climate action from Harper government

KYOTOplus banners with over 100,000 signatures

It certainly was cold, but this morning’s action seen here with banners hosting names of over 100 000 Canadians who have signed the KYOTOplus petition (I’m on the far left holding on to the middle banner) sends a clear message.

The accompanying press conference featured KYOTOplus partner speakers including the Climate Action Network, Oxfam and KAIROS-Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. Opposition environment critics also spoke.

Speakers addressed the urgent need to take climate action. While there was clear disappointment expressed over the Canadian government’s track record on climate, including the recent delays for the Climate Change Accountability Act, ongoing hope was shared for the upcoming negotiations in Copenhagen. The climate crisis demands nothing less than swift action to drastically reduce emissions. Climate justice demands that this be done in a fair and equitable manner.

This action kicks off what is sure to be an exciting weekend with events happening across the country as part of the international day of climate action.

I will be joining many others this Saturday at the Climate (of) Change: rally for people and the planet in Saint John NB.

Climate (of) Change: rally for people and the planet will feature knowledgeable speakers on local, national and international need and potential for climate action and climate justice. The atmosphere will be lively including Spirit of the Four Winds drumming, artwork and an action encouraging participants to call Harper. The Climate (of) Change logo – a green earth – will be stamped on rally participants thumbs symbolically demonstrating that people and social justice principles must be central to effective climate action.  Pictures of rally participant’s ‘thumbs up for climate justice’ will be submitted to, the campaign networking international actions.

Find out how you can get involved in actions across the country this Saturday at:;