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London chapter holds yard sale fundraiser

The Council of Canadians London chapter held a yard sale yesterday to raise funds for its ongoing activism.

Their outreach said the donations they were accepting for the yard sale included: perennials in pots, furniture, musical instruments, clothes, muffins, cookies to sell, garden equipment, sports equipment, camping equipment, small appliances that work, are and other things. They asked for those things to be dropped off by Friday (at 4 pm) for the Saturday (8 am to 1 pm) yard sale. Chapter activist Julie Picken-cooper posted, “You never know what you will find at a yard sale…come on down and find your bargain!!! It supports Council of Canadians.”

After the yard sale, Picken-cooper posted, “We had a wonderful sunny day for our yard sale. Thanks so much to all who donated and shopped! Thanks so much from the London chapter of The Council of Canadians!!!”

The London chapter campaigns on numerous issues.

Seven members of the chapter drove together to Guelph on September 22 to hear Maude Barlow speak about her new book Boiling Point: Government Neglect, Corporate Abuse, and Canada’s Water Crisis and for the launch of the Boycott Nestle to stop it profiting from water campaign.

The chapter also takes part in a weekly protest against the privatization of Hydro One, including the ‘Power Line of the People’ protest on September 16; supported a blockade by Grandmothers against a fracked gas pipeline at Walpole Island First Nation on August 30; brought the ‘Great Body of Water!’ painting, poetry and dance piece to the Nuit Blanche arts festival on June 4; hosted a public forum on ‘free trade’ and food on May 31; marched in a global day of action against Monsanto on May 21; organized a talk by Dr. Lynn Gehl titled ‘The Truth that Wampum Tells: Learning Canada’s Constitutional History through Wampum Diplomacy’ on April 9; handed out information including a ‘Seeds and CETA’ fact sheet at Seedy Saturday on March 5; protested against C-51 in front of a Liberal MP’s constituency office on January 23; and so much more!

To learn more about the London chapter, please visit their Facebook page here.

To find out about how you can participate in one of our 60 chapters across the country, please see this web-page.