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Moncton chapter screens ‘How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can’t Change’

The Council of Canadians Moncton chapter screened the Josh Fox documentary How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can’t Change yesterday.

As noted on the film’s website, “In How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can’t Change, Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. Traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, the film acknowledges that it may be too late to stop some of the worst consequences and asks, what is it that climate change can’t destroy? What is so deep within us that no calamity can take it away?”

In an interview with Amy Goodman, Fox said, “Well, this film starts with me in my own backyard having won against the fracking industry—well, not just me, but all the movement… [We won] through a whole lot of creative protest, the threat of civil disobedience en masse, educating the Delaware River Basin Commission about how dangerous and contaminating the fracking process is. And since that’s the watershed for 16 million people, finally, after years and years of campaigning, they relented and took the river basin off the table. So that was a huge victory. As many people watched in Gasland, the fear was that the watershed would start to get drilled.”

He adds, “But then realizing, as I see the ecosystem collapse under the weight of climate change, the hemlock forests being eaten by a parasite that’s advancing because the temperatures are warming, that we could lose everything in our region to climate change, and then, just a few months later, New York City getting the same wake-up call with Hurricane Sandy, that these extreme weather events will continue to get worse… So, that led me to a real discovery that we are so late in this game. …So, looking at this from the perspective it’s already so late in the game … that sent me out on the road from this place of really deep despair to find all the things climate can’t change.”

Fox then highlights, “Those are, are civic virtues, courage, democracy, love, human rights, resilience, creativity, innovation. And so that led me all across the world to six continents, 12 countries, and places like the Amazon with indigenous environmental monitors or the Pacific Climate Warriors who are blockading the coal ports in Australia to stop their islands from being submerged by sea level rise, people speaking out in China for human rights and against climate change, at peril of being imprisoned. So these were the things that are incredibly emotional, in some cases spiritual, ethical examples of people who never say die, who are the most inspiring individuals I’ve ever met.”

Fox spoke at the October 2013 Council of Canadians annual conference that was held in Saskatoon. Numerous chapters have also organized screenings of his earlier films Gasland and Gasland II.

To see the trailer for the film, please click here.
