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NEWS: Ages says Oct. 22 action will send a message about the pipelines

Council of Canadians Board member Bob Ages on the mass direct action against tar sands, pipelines and tankers taking place tomorrow in Victoria.

The Times Colonist reports, “The Defend Our Coast sit-in is being planned by a loose coalition of environmental groups, unions, the Council of Canadians and First Nations, and many demonstrators are planning to get arrested for civil disobedience. …So far, more than 4,000 people have signed up to attend the demonstration, said organizer Bob Ages, a Council of Canadians national board member. ‘The idea is to send a message to the federal and provincial governments on how strongly people feel about stopping these pipelines,’ he said. Although the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline has received much of the attention, people will also be demonstrating against the planned twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and Pacific Trails natural gas pipeline, Ages said. There are plans for civil disobedience such as stepping over police barriers or holding a sit-in, he said. …A day of action is scheduled Wednesday outside MLA offices across B.C., including in Oak Bay-Gordon Head, Victoria-Beacon Hill, Comox, Nanaimo, Duncan, Campbell River and Parksville-Qualicum.”

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