‘Aqua: A Journey into the World of Water’ – created by One Drop – will be at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa from May 22 to September 6.
Water campaigner Meera Karunananthan and I met with One Drop in early-March in Montreal to share information and discuss ways that this project might support Council of Canadians issues and activities during this period.
As noted on the museum’s website, “This journey will further your understanding about this vital resource and you will learn why water is such an important part of our lives.”
The One Drop website says the “multisensory experience” is “both educational and artistic” and “is aimed at raising the general public’s awareness on water-related issues and at highlighting the importance of standing together to share the wealth to fight poverty.”
One Drop was created by Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte.
A 1-minute video about the exhibit is available at http://www.onedrop.org/en/projects/news/north-project-news/AQUA_heads_for_Ottawa.aspx.
More about the goals and key messages of Aqua at http://www.onedrop.org/en/projects/projects-overview/AquaNorthProject/Aqua/Experience.aspx.
More at http://nature.ca/en/plan-your-visit/what-see-do/our-exhibitions/aqua.