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NEWS: Barlow challenges Nestle’s “bullying” in Guelph

“This debate around the future of water is growing in the world…We’re a planet running out of clean water. It really does matter who is going to make decisions around access to water in the future. Is it going to be a handful of corporations? Is it going to be service utilities? Is it going to be bottled water companies? Is it going to be water traders? Or is it going to be democratically-elected governments looking after water on behalf of their people?” – Maude Barlow

For an October 16 Global News report which leads with the line, “A documentary about the bottled water industry (Tapped) has grabbed the attention of global water activists…”, and which includes the quote aboe as well as quotes from Council of Canadians organizer Mark Calzavara, please go to In reference to the screening of Tapped being cancelled in Guelph, Ontario, Barlow says in this article, “It really was not very much of a veiled threat. They basically said ‘we do the following things as good corporate citizens and if you don’t cancel this film we’re considering pulling this’. …This is bullying on a different level, at a corporate level.”