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NEWS: Canada-EU CETA likely to include Chapter 11 provision

The Canadian Press reports that, “A controversial NAFTA provision that allows corporations to seek compensation from governments is likely to be included in any eventual free-trade deal with Europe, say sources close to the negotiations.”

“The shape of a final deal is still far from certain, but it appears the Europeans are increasingly warming up to a Canadian demand that closely resembles the Chapter 11 clause in the North American Free Trade Agreement. …European negotiators were initially leery about a similar clause being included in a free-trade deal with Canada…”

“Among the considerations that has helped change their mind…was the recent $130-million cheque Ottawa handed to newsprint giant AbitibiBowater to settle a Chapter 11 claim.”

“Representatives from Canada and Europe are scheduled to meet in Ottawa this week to prepare for the next round of negotiations aimed at finalizing a wide-reaching economic and trade agreement by the end of 2011.”

“The next round of negotiations will get underway late next month in Brussels.”

The full article can be read at