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NEWS: CEAA decision on Fish Lake review process, Nov. 7

The campaign against Taseko’s Prosperity mine near Fish Lake continues.

The Vancouver Sun reports, “Taseko submitted a new plan in February… The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency took until August – not to approve it, but to simply accept the project’s description. …If the agency decides to perform a comprehensive study, it could be another year before it submits its review to the federal environment minister.”

Council of Canadians water campaigner Meera Karunananthan noted last week, “The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is reviewing the current proposal and will decide whether or not it warrants a review process by November 7”,

And Council of Canadians BC-Yukon organizer recently wrote an action alert demanding that Taseko’s revised proposal be rejected immediately. That’s at

For more information on our campaign against the destruction of Fish Lake, go to