CBC reports that, “The National Energy Board’s public review of Arctic offshore drilling regulations has drawn responses from people concerned about the risk of a big oil spill similar to the one in the Gulf of Mexico occurring in northern Canadian waters.”
Submissions have come from individuals and groups including, “the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Environment Canada and the Council of Canadians.”
“The NEB will go over people’s submissions in the coming weeks, then decide how to structure the review. …The NEB says it plans to complete the review before it considers any Arctic offshore drilling applications.”
The Council of Canadians submission to the National Energy Board on this issue can be found here. More on our campaign against oil and gas drilling in the Arctic can be found at http://canadians.org/arctic.
The CBC report is at http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2010/07/16/neb-arctic-drilling-public-submissions.html.