Damage done to loading berth by bulk carrier ship raises concerns.
The Delta Optimist reports on the recent collision of a bulk carrier docking at the Westshore Terminals coal port at Roberts Bank in British Columbia. “The ship, which has a capacity of 180,000 tonnes, severed the only link with one of the terminal’s two loading berths… An undetermined amount of coal spilled into the water, but no injuries were reported.”
“A joint statement this week by the Wilderness Committee’s Joe Foy and Cathy Wilander of the Delta/Richmond chapter of the Council of Canadians stated, ‘This is a prime example of why it is unacceptable for the Vancouver Port Authority to be considering expanding coal export facilities off the coast. Coal shipping is a dangerous industry and accidents are inevitable. Expansion of exports will only further the risks of accidents and the degradation to marine ecosystems. Communities need to be given the facts when it comes to coal exports and given the right to say no to this dangerous and destructive industry.'”
“Noting hundreds gathered in Ladner this summer to protest port expansion, Wilander said, ‘There is no such thing as a minor spill when it comes to the environment. How much damage will be done by the coal dust in the air and coal in the water remains to be seen. It is harmful to salmon, harmful to the marine life on the mudflats and harmful to the birds wintering in the bay, for example.’ She also noted Friday’s accident is further fuel in the argument against the proposed Enbridge pipeline and tanker project.”
The Delta Optimist article is at http://www.delta-optimist.com/news/Ship+damages+coal+port+dock/7686687/story.html. A December 10 campaign blog about a planned massive expansion of coal exports from British Columbia can be read at http://canadians.org/blog/?p=18438. More about the summer-time rally in Ladner that Cathy Wilander notes at http://canadians.org/blog/?p=15802.
To take action against increased coal exports from BC, please see this Wilderness Committee action alert at http://wildernesscommittee.org/takeaction/halt_the_expansion_dirty_coal_exports.