Steven Shrybman
The Winnipeg Sun reports, “A landmark case involving the Canadian Wheat Board, its support group called the Friends of CWB, and the federal government began in a federal courtroom in downtown Winnipeg Tuesday. The CWB and its supporters, which include the Council of Canadians and other interveners, are challenging the government’s power to end the Wheat Board’s marketing monopoly on wheat and barley in the Prairies.”
The Council of Canadians and other interveners (PSAC, ETC Group, Food Secure Canada) are being represented by Steven Shrybman in this challenge.
“The government proposed to (end the single-desk authority of the Canadian Wheat Board) in a bill introduced in Parliament in October. If passed, the change would take effect next August. However, the CWB argues that Sec 47.1 of the existing Canadian Wheat Board Act mandates that the government must hold a vote among farmers first.”
“The government will present its case Tuesday afternoon. No decision is expected Tuesday.”
For our media release on today’s court hearing (which includes web-links to our factum and Council of Canadians chairperson Maude’s Barlow’s affidavit related to this challenge), please see http://canadians.org/media/other/2011/05-Dec-11.html. For campaign blogs related to our campaign to save the Canadian Wheat Board, please see http://canadians.org/blog/?s=%22Canadian+wheat+board%22.