The News International recently reported that, “American actress Kristen Stewart (Bella from Twilight) is reportedly (to) be romancing none other than heartthrob Hrithik Roshan in the upcoming Shekhar Kapur film Paani. …The Shekhar Kapur film tells the story (in a water scarce future 30 years from now) about a poor boy, portrayed by Hrithik Roshan, who lives in the slum areas of Mumbai. A rebel at heart, the boy comes across a rich girl, played by Kristen Stewart, and the two fall in love.”
As reported by Sawf News, “Based on a book by Maude Barlow and scripted by David Farr, Paani will tell a dark story about the looming water crisis.” The Ottawa Citizen has reported that, “Kapur found Barlow after meeting documentary maker Irena Salina and seeing her film Flow.” Kapur says, “I have been wanting to make this movie for a long time. Irena said ‘you have to read Maude’s book.’ Blue Covenant was the spark that coalesced the idea. I thought about what kind of world we will be living in. I wanted to create a city (in the movie) that is representative of the whole world.” Barlow was at the Cannes film festival, alongside Kapur, on May 14 for the media conference announcing the film.
Kapur may be best known for directing Elizabeth and its sequel Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Academy Award-winning actress Cate Blanchett starred in both those films.
Yesterday, in, Academy Award-winning director/ producer Danny Boyle said, “Paani is a Shekhar Kapur film and I’m a big supporter of Shekhar so I’d love to (produce it), if the film happens, I’ll certainly support it in that way. I’m not involved in it day by day and I haven’t spoken to Shekhar in a while. He’s working on the script at the moment.”
The film is scheduled for release in 2011-2012.
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