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NEWS: Opposition to Brant County gravel pit grows

The Paris Star reports, “Residents in and around Paris are growing frustrated over an apparent lack of help from local authorities (including from Brant County Mayor Ron Eddy and Brant MPP Dave Levac) in stopping a company from proceeding with a gravel pit north of town without a review of its 38-year-old license.”

On June 13, about 70 people attended a meeting of the Concerned Citizens of Brant at the Paris fairgrounds. “The two-fold purpose of Wednesday’s meeting was to provide the latest information about a plan by Dufferin Aggregates Ltd. to open a pit on 614 acres of farmland on Watts Pond Road and to rev up a membership drive as the citizen group continues to press for a halt in the company’s plans until they are reviewed.”

According to the news report, a pots and pans protest, now well-known from the Quebec student strike ‘casserole’ marches in Montreal, was discussed at this meeting as a way to demonstrate opposition to the gravel pit.

The full article is at

For an earlier campaign blog on this situation, please see NEWS: Brant County fights proposed gravel pit,