The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix reports this morning that, “(Saskatchewan’s minister responsible for trade) Jeremy Harrison said the federal, provincial and territorial Committee on Internal Trade (CIT) agreed at a meeting Friday in Saskatoon to amend Canada’s Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) to allow for labour mobility within financial services occupations.”
“The CIT says the amendment will also allow for labour mobility for people working in all regulated occupations, trades and professions in Canada. The move, the committee added, is also set to improve transparency in government procurement.”
“Harrison said the CIT discussed a request by the Council of Canadians that urged the trade ministers to deny corporations the ability to sue provincial and territorial governments. The group decided further discussion was needed on the issue as there were concerns from a number of provinces and territories.”
“Saskatchewan, which is also in favour of more discussion about the request, feels a government dispute resolution process may serve as the proper method of analysis for the issue, Harrison said.”
“The next annual CIT meeting, in Prince Edward Island in June 2011.”
The full article is at
The open letter to the provincial and territorial trade ministers – initiated by Council of Canadians trade campaigner and signed by many organizations, can be read at