The Globe and Mail reports, “The Quebec government has tabled legislation to impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for shale gas in the Lowlands of the St. Lawrence River. …The Lowlands is the area where the richest and most viable deposits of shale gas are located.”
“If the legislation is passed – the minority Parti Québécois government needs opposition support for it to get through – it means that all exploration licences will be revoked and no new ones issued.”
“The moratorium, which could last up to five years, would remain in place until a new legislative framework for hydrocarbon exploitation in the province is set up. Quebec Environment Minister Yves-François Blanchet … said it is a logical step to take until the recommendations arising from a full environmental review that is now underway are known. …Mr. Blanchet warned last February that the government remained committed to a ban on the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.”
The article adds, “Some companies last year halted further investment in exploration of the rich shale gas deposits in the Lowlands. Calgary-based Talisman Energy Inc., for example, said last October it would put a lid on committing further capital to such projects in Quebec.”
But notably, there is also the case of Lone Pine. Using its incorporation status in Delaware, Calgary-based Lone Pine Resources Inc. is threatening to file a $250 million investor-state claim under the North American Free Trade Agreement unless Quebec backs down from its current moratorium on fracking. To add your name to the Council of Canadian petition to ‘Tell Lone Pine to drop its NAFTA lawsuit against Quebec’s moratorium on fracking’, go to
For more please read:
NEWS: 76% of Quebecers support fracking moratorium
NEWS: Pirani calls for fracking moratorium as methane and water concerns grow
NEWS: Quebec agrees to partial moratorium on fracking
NEWS: Company launches $250 million NAFTA challenge against Quebec’s moratorium on fracking
VIEW: Trew and Lui call on Lone Pine to drop its NAFTA suit