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NEWS: White Rock to debate water remunicipalization, June 10

Surrey Now reports that the White Rock Accountable Water Committee is calling on White Rock city council to remunicipalize its water utility, now currently owned by Edmonton-based EPCOR. The newspaper reports, “Earlier this year, EPCOR announced plans to upgrade the city’s water supply in two phases, which will come at a combined cost of $22 million. …(The White Rock Accountable Water Committee argues) that if the taxpayers of White Rock are going to be spending so much anyways, now is the time for the city to purchase their own water supply (in that) the City of Edmonton is essentially making money off of White Rock’s water system, as EPCOR pays an annual dividend to the Albertan city.”If White Rock does remunicipalize its water utility, it could connect with the Greater Vancouver Regional District water system, which already has the proposed upgrades in place, and could save the city $10 million. The article concludes, “Council is expected hear staff recommendations at the June 10 council meeting.”

For more, please read: NEWS: White Rock, BC may remunicipalize its water utility