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Peterborough-Kawarthas chapter at Maude’s Trent University convocation

Board member and Peterborough-Kawarthas chapter activist Roy Brady reports, “On a beautiful sunny but mild day at Trent University’s Convocation our Maude Barlow received her honourary Doctor of Laws degree. We may safely call her Dr. Barlow.”

He adds, “Maude was particularly honoured by Trent’s decision not to provide bottled water at the 5 events, to operate a supervised tap water station and provide all graduates with a stainless steel water bottle containing tap water.”

Roy highlights, “The Peterborough and Kawarthas chapter had 16 members in attendance, including Elma Parker from Northumberland chapter, and Maude was enthusiastic and gracious in her thank you for such support on her special day. Also, the chapter pulled off a surprise honour of its own just as the university procession with Maude was about to commence.  The chapter suddenly appeared, proudly displaying the Council of Canadians banner, presenting locally grown flowers to Maude and taking many pictures. Hugs, kisses and laughter adorned the convocation procession. All this was accomplished by negotiation with Trent and the President’s office, which was most cooperative. A fabulous day in all respects!”

Additionally, the Peterborough Examiner article on the convocation is at

There is also more on this in the campaign blog at

Congratulations to Roy, Elma and the Peterborough-Kawarthas chapter.