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Security for G20 summit to cost $150 million

CTV reports that when the G20 meets “in Toronto this summer the price tag is expected to reach $150 million, most of which will be paid by the federal government…”

“According to documents tabled for city councillors and obtained by CTV, the federal government will be required to foot $143 million of the bill. Toronto will pay the remaining $7 million.”

Of that amount:
– “nearly $130 million is earmarked for security, including fire, ambulance and police personnel.  Much of that money will go to overtime…”

– “Another $1.5 million will pay for the barricades, fences and other equipment designed to contain the protesters expected to descend on the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.”

– “$15 million will pay for two-way radios for police, though half of that tab will be covered by the City of Toronto.”

The Canwest News Service had reported on February 23 that, “Surpassing the Vancouver Olympics, the Pope’s visit to Toronto and even the volatile Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, officials said Monday the G8 and G20 summits this summer will be the largest security event in Canadian history.”

“A blueprint of Toronto’s security perimeter has not been divulged, but there is already a glimpse of the force being amassed to protect those coming to and living in Toronto: The federal government’s Integrated Security Unit will include Toronto police, RCMP, the Ontario Provincial Police, the Canadian Forces and Peel Region police.”

In terms of the G8 security costs, the Toronto Star reported in November 2009 that, “Ottawa has just closed bidding for a $6-million galvanized metal fence that will stretch about 15 kilometres around the summit site in Huntsville.”

The CTV report is at The Canwest News Service article is at The Toronto Star article is at–top-mountie-says-huntsville-too-small-for-g20.