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Sister Angie Martz receives Maude Barlow Award

Maude Barlow presenting award to Sister Angie Martz.

The Telegraph-Journal reports that, “Sister (Angie) Martz received the 2009 Maude Barlow Founders Award from the Council of Canadians during the council’s annual general meeting held on the weekend (of Saturday October 24).”

“Sister Martz is a Sister of Charity of the Immaculate Conception and an active member of the Council of Canadians’ Saint John chapter. She was recognized for her outstanding contribution to the council and her commitment to social justice.”

The caption with the article’s photograph notes, “Maude Barlow, left, congratulates Sister Angelina Martz at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre on Saturday.”

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More on our annual general meeting in Saint John at

This was also reported on in the Catholic New Times at