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Site 41 Victory Celebration!

The Site 41 family celebrated the big win together this past Saturday with a corn roast at the Perkinsfield Pavilion -the same location of last summer’s huge rally.  Several people were sporting our specially altered Site 41 “Victory” t-shirts as they listened to updates and personal reflections of various participants.  I brought greetings from the Council of Canadians and read the following note from Maude Barlow:

“I am so very sorry not to be there with you all but just as 2009 was the “Summer of Site 41”, 2010 is the “Summer of the Right to Water” at the UN and I must be there. In only four days (July 28th) the UN General Assembly will vote for the first time on the right to water and we are working flat out to see that this vote is successful, so all my time is taken up trying to sway this historic decision.

I am saddened to say that Canada is acting as the most regressive government regarding this resolution and we need to let our members of Parliament know how we feel about this! It looks like Canada, the US and Australia and perhaps some European countries will vote against this deal which is just appalling when you consider the human and other species suffering now taking place around the world.

So, on the anniversary of that wonderful day in Perkinsfield, I send love and congratulations to all the wonderful water warriors who defeated Site 41 and who proved that an enlivened citizen democracy can indeed assert itself for the earth and future generations. I have such a clear memory of the thousands who came out in the pouring rain to show solidarity on this day last summer and to send such a clear message to their elected representatives.

I have lost some fights and won some, but none sweeter than the defeat of Site 41. I thank you all for the opportunity to share that wonderful year with you and I know your hearts will be with us on the 28th.”

The happiness of the day was tempered by the many tears shed over the tragic loss of Gavin Jamieson and Matthew Elson who died in a boating accident at the end of July. They were very much part of the Site 41 family and were greatly missed on Saturday.

Mark Calzavara